Ordinary members of the Association

Elemér Eszter

Elemér Eszter is Chairman of the Board at PBG FMC and Impact Ventures fund management companies. With decades of investment and entrepreneurial experience, he is directing the first social impact fund in Hungary.

Pál Iváncsics

Pál Ivancsics is member of the board of directors at PBG FMC Ltd. He graduated from the
Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, became scientific staff at the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science. In the mid-90s he
served as IT director at Westel Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. He holds an MBA degree of
The Open University, United Kingdom. He became Director for Strategic Business
Development and later CIO at T-Mobile Hungary Ltd. From 2008, he worked as Director for
Innovation Technology at Magyar Telekom Ltd. He has held directorial positions at several
telecom, IT, venture capital and other investment companies and funds. He takes part in the
decision-makings of PBG’s activities related to investments.

István Turcsik

István Turcsik forms part of the Board of Directors of Portus Buda Group Ltd. and is the
managing director of Ester Communications Ltd. He has been working in the field of
ecclesiastical management development and communication since 18 years. He is the founder
of the Portus Buda Group Ltd. and is head of the company’s non-profit activities. Since 2003,
he is the strategic director and since 2008 the executive director of Ester Communications
Ltd., the communications branch of PBG. His special field is ethical corporate management
and ecclesiastical, non-profit communication, amongst many other things. He forms part of
the supervisory board of PBG FMC Venture Capital Ltd., established in 2009, and is also the
founding member of the Social Impact Investors Association.

Ágost Wildner

Ágost Wildner is part of the Portus Buda Group’s Board of Directors. After graduating at the Peter
Pazmany Catholic University, he filled leading positions in a variety of media companies, followed by
becoming the founding owner of the PBG Group and one of its Directors. With his management, a
number of subsidiaries have been established in the field of real estate development, energetics and
hospitality, such as Servitor Pro Multis Nonprofit Ltd., with Nissen Ltd. also being connected to his
As the owner of enterprises, from the very start, he has felt it vital that a company should not only be
involved in profit-making, but in creating a social impact as well.

Arete Consultancy Ltd.

Arete Consultancy Ltd. in Budapest aims to invest into such digital enterprises that contribute
to the welfare of a wider scope of the society. These start-up companies operate in the fields
of health and sport, labour and education, mobility and city development, as well as financial
digital technology. Arete Investment Ltd. seeks both the International market’s most
outstanding talents, best ideas for future prospects, as well as partners that are open for
innovation and abide to real values, respectfully. Arete typically invests into early-phase (preseed) start-ups, whilst not only investing, but also providing professional mentoring and
business-development consultancy.
The focus of Arete is global, however it solely searches such enterprises, who already have at
least a prototype-phase product or service, along with a good and stable team. Arete focuses
on the joint work of talents with a wide range of professional backgrounds, on the
collaboration of enterprises with different nationalities and on the quest of women

Value Preserving Network Ltd.

The ÉrMe Hálózat, „Value Preserving Network” creates a platform for Christian business men,
entrepreneurs and managers to meet. In the midst of the club nights and other events, the
members of the network can learn – and exchange experience – about the ways of working
as a Christian within the economy, the means of synchronizing their faith and their business
activity. Furthermore, the events give an opportunity for the members to network and
cooperate with one another and make mutual business plans on the lines of shared values,
personal friendship and trust. The goal of ÉrMe furthermore is social engagement: people in
need are regularly supported, as well as other valuable public initiatives.

The mission statement of ÉrMe – „Business is more than pure profit” – reflects the view of
our members, namely that the target of a business activity is not only financial benefit, but
also the service of common good respectively. This motto also expresses the fact that its
members regard their business activities as valuable ones, would like to bring profit and run a
successful entrepreneurship.

Gutmann Hungary Ltd.

Bank Gutmann has immense expertise in handling wealth, whilst at the same time
understanding the needs of its clients. The bank’s highest level of consultancy competence, as
well as its market leader role in Austria is reflected in the number of independent awards. The
clients of Gutmann include domestic and foreign companies, foundations, wealthy private
persons, and families, as well as institutional, corporate clients.
On the Hungarian site, in Budapest, the main focus lies on private asset management, in the
course of which the wealthy first generation private clients are helped with thorough
In line with this, the team also gives advice on all the wide range of Gutmann’s portfolio –
tailor-made service, with local focus.

Impact Ventures Ltd.

IMPACT VENTURES Ltd. managessocial impact funds with a focus on social innovation. Its aim
is to achieve measurable positive social impact alongside a financial return.
In order to achieve this, it invests in and provides business development support for social
enterprises with sustainable, scalable business models. The target company’s success lies in
the jointly implemented social impact and financial return.
The funds invest in Hungarian or European companies irrespective of the sector, bearing with
innovation capacity and growth potential, with a special focus on social integration, education
and employment, underserved needs of the disadvantaged and environmental sustainability.

Hungarian Benedictine Congregation

Proactive Holding Ltd.

Dr. Héjj Tibor cégcsoportjának a holdingja. A tulajdonos egész élete a “nemzetköziség” jegyében telt.
Hazai villamosmérnöki egyetemi végzettségén (BME) túl MBA diplomát szerzett az USA egyik top-20
egyetemén, menedzsment doktorátusát pedig Olaszországban védte meg, publikációinak legtöbbje
pedig angol nyelvű.
A munka területén is a nemzetközi reláció a tulajdonos és vele a cégcsoport irányultsága és
megmérettetése. A csoport zászlóshajója stratégia tanácsadó cég (Proactive Management
Consulting), mely részben külföldi cégeknek dolgozik idehaza, részben hazai cégeket segít a
világpiacra (termékeik és szolgáltatásaik mellett tőkebevonási területen, kinti cégek létrehozásában
és vezetésében, stb.) Különösen a német nyelvterület országaiban, de ezen kívül az USA-ban, és a
Távol-Keleten (Tajvan, Szingapúr, stb.) egyaránt. Kiemelt terület a cégekbe történő tőkebevonás vagy
teljes exit. Az elmúlt 2 évben a PMC 8 ilyen sikeres tranzakciónak volt stratégiai előkészítője majd az
eladási oldal vezető tanácsadója, a megbízások döntő többségét sikerdíjasan vállalva.
A Holding kiemelten érdekelt impact investment témákban, e téren a csoport legfőbb cége a Napra
Forgó Nonprofit Közhasznú Zrt, mely 20 éves és 100+ hátrányos helyzetű alkalmazottja van, cél a
munka alkalom biztosítása és az ezen keresztüli társadalmi re-integráció. 2020 év eleje óta a
hátrányos helyzetűek számára a munkahelyen kívül igény esetén a kedvezményes lakhatás is
biztosított, egy szintén impact investment befektetés („social housing”) keretében.

Servitor Pro Multis Nonprofit Ltd.

The Servitor Pro Multis Nonprofit LLC. was established in 2009 with the cooperation of the
Benedictine, Franciscan, Jesuit and Piarist Order and the Portus Buda Group Ltd. At the
foundation of Servitor and during the development of our services, our leading goal was the
recognition that the key factor in creating a more sustainable operation of the ecclesiastical
institutions and charity organisations lies in the joint forces within the market.
For over a decade we have been striving to assess the most important maintenance needs and
requirements of ecclesiastical, charitable and non-profit organisations in the circle of the
church, and adapting to these demands, our goal is to find and develop the best possible, most
favourable market opportunities and services. The „bipolar” ownership structure combines
the solid values of the orders with extensive market experience.
Servitor maximally seeks to implement in both its professional and personal affiliations the
dominical values and businesswise ethical conduct, respectfully. We would like to minister
and provide service to the ecclesiastical organisations in a way that they can perform their
work and mission in a more effective way with our collaboration.
At this moment in time we support more than 200 religious, monastic, as well as Roman
Catholic, Greek Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran organisations, along with the whole
institutional network of the Hungarian Maltese Service, the ÉTA Association and more than
ten religious orders, at more than 500 premises.

Golden supporting members

UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. is a major player in the Hungarian banking sector, part of the UniCredit pan-European commercial banking group, present in Hungary since 1990. UniCredit is one of the largest banks in the European Union, providing a wide range of services from private and corporate lending and factoring to large development projects with EU support, account management, bank deposits, asset management and investment banking. This is complemented by UniCredit Leasing Hungary Zrt. and supported by UniCredit Jelzálogbank Zrt.

In the spirit of our commitment to a fairer and more just society, we launched our Social Impact Banking activities in Hungary in autumn 2019 to support and finance businesses and organisations that create value for society and to strengthen the financial and business literacy of the population. Our goal to contribute to the betterment of society is supported by Social Impact Banking activities in three main areas:

Through our microcredit programme, we help start-ups and existing microenterprises to start and develop. As part of our social contribution, our microloans are also available to businesses that would not have access to credit through traditional bank financing.

We offer our social impact financing to businesses and non-profit organisations that bring measurable social benefits to society. We help them by providing loans with low interest rates and secure maturities, as well as financial training, exchange of experience and increased transparency.

Financial education and inclusion is the third element of our programme, and we aim to develop the financial-entrepreneurship skills of young people and young adults, as well as start-up entrepreneurs. We reach them through financial education workshops, courses or competitions with our partners.

In our Social Impact Banking activities, we build strongly on our proven competences in financial education and the high level of commitment of our staff. We continuously monitor and measure the results of our activities.

MBH Bank Private Banking

MBH Bank launched its Private Banking business in 2003, which relies on the bank’s more than 65 years old financial experience and International network. On 31 March, 2022, the two member banks of Magyar Bankholding, Budapest Bank and MKB Bank merged. On 30 April 2023 Takarékbank also merged with MKB Bank, with the merged bank continuing to operate under the name of MBH Bank Plc. from 1 May 2023. Keeping our core values ​​in mind, we want to continue to provide the highest level of service to our valued customers. Our goal is to provide full financial services to individuals and companies based on their unique needs through a personal advisory system: from account management to financial planning and investment advice to portfolio management. MBH Bank considers it of utmost importance to contribute to the development of the community through its wide-ranging involvement, commensurate with its economic strength. As part of its social responsibility, MBH Bank intends to provide real help through its donation and sponsorship activities by supporting programs and causes that serve the interests of society as a whole, so the development of financial culture, attitude formation, social catch-up and opportunity creation, and sustainability are of particular importance. MBH Bank – with its economical strenght – considers it of utmost importance to contribute to the development of the community via its wide-ranging engagements. As part of its corporate social responsibility, MBH Bank intends to provide real help through its donation and sponsorship activities by supporting programs and causes that serve the interests of the society as a whole, such as the development of financial culture, mind-set change, social catch-up and opportunity creation, as well as sustainability are all of particular importance.

The goal of the triple merger-created major bank is to be at the forefront of the domestic banking market in terms of sustainability, thus having adopted its comprehensive ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategy in 2022, and currently working on implementing it. The bank strives to steer its residential customers in the green direction as much as possible, drawing their attention to green products. Another aspiration is for the bank’s internal operation to become sustainable, setting an example for our partners and customers in terms of responsible operations, such as achieving decarbonization, incorporating an ESG approach. The bank’s digitization efforts support, amongst other things, decarbonization goals, as well as product and service developments related to sustainability.


Hiventures’ mission is to support innovative ideas of the present and future and to foster a sustainable and value-generating ecosystem of start-ups, SMEs and large enterprises in Hungary. As a state-owned venture capital company and a member of the MFB Group, we support the entire Hungarian entrepreneurial ecosystem with capital using our own resources and those from the European Union to provide financing solutions from the idea phase to large-scale investments. Hiventures contributes to stimulate the foundation of domestic enterprises, to the education of the start-up ecosystem, to the development of talents, to the domestic and foreign market expansion of Hungarian businesses and to enhance Hungary’s domestic and international competitiveness. At Hiventures we don’t have a special scope of industries, so now we have the chance to invest in startups which can impvore our lives, human relations or our environment. since impact investing hasn’t been around for too long, it’s a great initiative that besides the strict economic interest and profit-orientation of every investor, now we have the chance to value startups from a more social, environmental and sustainable point of view.


“It is very difficult to decide through what transparent channels, by what means, under what conditions we can ensure that the charitable donation really arrives for the intended purpose and in the desired amount. It has never been more important for companies than it is today to be ensured that the donations they make are used in accordance with the law and, beyond, with the highest ethical standards – in a transparent, verifiable way. In addition to these, it is very important for individuals to see opportunities that are easy to understand and apply, beside the traditional forms of donation, in which donations are possible, without money or material donations, such as by viewing advertisements and by using points of loyalty programs. Also, charities — and not just smaller, lesser-known ones — have been struggling to add extra resources to achieve the charitable goal they undertake.

The creaters of Sharity offer a solution to these existing challenges that is transparent and verifiable in all aspects, and meets the innovative expectations of our time. In 2020, Sharity was rewarded at the TOP100 most interesting Hungarian inventions and developments. It is not a secret goal to set up a new standard in the field of charity and donation by reforming the donation culture, the method of transparency and accountability required by Sharity.

Last but not least, it wants to build a community with real values with the help of the first active Hungarian donation mobile application created by Sharity.”

Impact HUB / Foundation for Sustainable Enterprises
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Impact HUB / Foundation for Sustainable Enterprises

The Impact Hub network provides a platform for businesses that are sensitive to social and environmental issues. It provides community offices in 102 cities around the world, including Budapest, for innovative and creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, companies and organisations concerned about social and environmental problems and the solutions to them – whether at a business or individual level. We work with initiatives and businesses that create not only profit but also other lasting value and contribute to the development of society.

Impact Hub has been operating in Budapest since 2016 as an international co-working office and event venue.

The mission of FVA (Foundation for Sustainable Enterprisesis) is to promote and establish the culture of social enterprises / social entrepreneurs and co-working offices in Hungary.

Our programs provide business development and mentoring for prospective and existing social entrepreneurs. In addition, we regularly hold educational, open events to promote social and environmental innovation, entrepreneurial careers, bottom-up initiatives and community knowledge sharing.

Silver supporting members

Péter Szabadhegÿ

Peter Szabadhegy has had a distinguished career that covers banking, management consulting, venture capital and start-up investing, family business management, diplomacy, and charity.

After growing up, studying and beginning his career in the United States, he moved to Budapest at the age of 30, where he is now settled with his wife and five children.

Peter received an MBA from the University of Chicago and a Masters in Economics from the London School of Economics.

Besides managing his business endeavors in the past three decades in Central Europe, Peter recently served as Hungary’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom. He has taken on leadership roles in various charity organizations, such as the Fulbright Commission, Rotary International, and the Order of Malta. He currently serves as the Vice President of the Order of Malta’s Government Council.

Erste Bank

In the firm belief that everyone must be treated with dignity and respect, our founders established Erste 200 years ago to give everyone – without distinction of status, nationality, faith, gender, age etc. – access to prosperity. Disseminating and securing prosperity for all is
and always will be our goal. An important phrase of our vision is that “Our commitment to our customers and to Hungary, in addition to our banking and investment services, is also demonstrated by our commitment to society.”
For various reasons, a substantial number of people do not have access to the basic means of everyday life, live in poverty or lack financial stability. Erste Group is dedicated to support those who only a few believe in, to help themselves in their economic development and to have access to financial services.
Social Banking stands for equal accessibility and presenting the voice of the banks’ clients and potential employees. Therefore, with the involvement of acclaimed NGOs, we are continuously reviewing the appropriate operation of our service channels and employment
strategy in order to get valuable insights from our stakeholder groups and enable the Bank to develop its processes.
We have also had a special focus on supporting NGOs and social enterprises. Subsequently, Erste Bank Hungary developed and institutionalised the value proposition for members of the civil sector both by developing a unique loan product offer that is supported by a European Investment Fund (EIF) guarantee and by the creation of the most affordable civil account package in the market.
In addition, Erste Social Banking also has a bridging role between its NGO clients and beneficiaries and further potential investors and sponsors. There are loads of examples when we inspired and activated members of Erste’s business network to do good together for a noble cause, let it be a strategic cooperation, a need for financial support, a new project development or a charity event.
In order to learn more about the approach and activity of Erste Social Banking, we kindly recommend you to read this article with the director of the field, Orsolya Szalay.

Dr. Cornelius Walter

Cornelius is an impact investor focusing on climate change, green infrastructure as well as industry innovators. He invests in and serves on the boards of early and later-stage companies with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals and sustainable business models. Cornelius is also an advisor at Lightrock, a leading global impact investing platform backed by the Liechtenstein family. At Lightrock, he spends a significant portion of his time predominantly focusing on energy transition and how to further scale the platform overall.

Prior to embarking on his journey as an impact investor, board member and advisor, Cornelius was a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, where he advised financial institutions, energy companies, public-sector organizations, and clients in a broad range of other industries on growth strategies and large-scale transformations.

Bronz supporting members

Magnet Bank

Balázs Korintus

Dr. János Matuz

Corporate lawyer, strategy consultant and manager with more than 20 years of experience at research and development intensive companies and public bodies. He heads the nuclear energy law division of Framatome Ltd. (Électricité de France Group). Previously he worked for a US family office and a Hungarian venture capital firm Susterra Capital Partners Ltd., where he was involved in the decision-making of several investments in the green economy and the healthcare sectors. He worked for the Swiss Agency for the Development and Cooperation (Switzerland), Semmelweis University, Proactive Management Consulting Ltd., SeroScience Ltd., Aurigon Life Science Group, Ministry of Interior National Directorate General for Disaster Management, E.ON Hungária Ltd. and Budapest Gas Works Company Ltd., (member of RWE Group). He started his carrier as a junior lawyer at the Budapest office of Dentons.

Hubbes & Kovács Attorneys at Law

The main objective of Hubbes & Kovács Attorneys at Law is to serve their clients with advice and representation in all areas of business, economic, financial, real estate, energy and environmental protection law, corporate law, intellectual property law and tax law.

The Hubbes & Kovács Attorneys at Law has gained extensive experience in the legal representation of investments in Hungary by foreign investors, primariy by Spanish, South American and Anglo-Saxon companies, given that its members have excellent Spanish and English language skills.

János Csébfalvi

Catalyst of a better business, managing patner of the Swiss-Hungarian Inspiring Culture. It supports business people in their development so that they can create highter added value fo the stakeholders and achieve their key results. He has supported many organizations with his work in the last 20 years throughout Europe, the Middle East and the USA. Previously he worked as a senior manager for international companies in the IT and health industries.

He is member of the international team of consultants within the independant Blueprint for Better Business foundation, who believe that a better society can be created if business enterprises focus more on increasing the public good, protect human dignity and the environment, while bringing a fair return to owners and creditors. This can be achieved through individual and group acting responsibility and concrete behaviour change, which is the task of everyone involved.


KPMG has been one of the leading audit, tax and business advisory companies in Hungary since 1989.
KPMG is a global organisation of independent professional services firms providing audit, tax and advisory services. KPMG member firms operate in 144 countries and territories, with more than 236,000 partners and employees working in member firms around the world.
Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such. KPMG member firms in Hungary employ more than 1,600 staff. KPMG Hungária Kft. offers audit services, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft. offers advisory services, KPMG Legal Tóásó Law Firm offers legal services to Hungarian and multinational companies, government organisations and foreign investors, while KPMG Global Services Hungary Kft. (KGSH) provides tax compliance services for other KPMG entities worldwide and multinational companies present in multiple jurisdictions.
Our goal is to support our clients with suitable solutions in an ever more complicated business and economic environment among others in the areas of accounting, financial management, business efficiency development, digitalisation and risk management, establishing more effective taxation systems and procedures as well as in M&A.
We offer industry-specific services for banks, insurance companies and for the media and telecommunications, energy and utility services, government, infrastructure, commerce and real estate sectors.
The strategic level ESG approach (Environmental, Social, Governance) is an essential element of our operation. We aim to inform and serve our clients in a wide range of areas at a high standard, so they can mitigate their sustainability risks as well as maximise the economic, environmental and social value they generate. Furthermore, it is of great importance to us to present international good practices and implement ESG solutions at the local level. With our professional expertise we strive both in our own organisation and at our partners to foster environmental protection, to improve the living standards of our employees, local communities and society as a whole, to preserve social cohesion and to ensure transparent and prudent corporate operations.

Anima Travel


STRT is a team of investors with unique experience and expertise in the startup world. We have gone through the journey ourselves and now we help others achieve success. We operate on a new business model where our interests, the interests of our investors, and the interests of the startups we support all align. We have rethought early-stage startup investments and their support towards global success from the ground up.

Green Brother

Green Brother – your go-to partner for sustainable energy and mobility solutions. With a mission to invest at seed stage, unlock further investment and market access through advancing and reducing business risk of innovations, we stand as a beacon in the energy and mobility sector. Our strategic pillars—innovation advisory, organizational alignment, network development, and Central European brand awareness—propel us into a future where funds are raised, businesses thrive, and connections flourish. Join us in shaping a sustainable tomorrow, where every venture is a step towards a greener, more connected world!

Avocet Holding

Avocet Holding is a small investment company which starts up and invests in business involved in tackling climate change and biodiversity loss. They are typically non-mainstream ventures with low technology content. They include: Planet League (uses the social power of football to mobilise fans to live greener), Zsamboki Biokert (organic farm and food business), Flite Protein (nutrient rich plant-based protein from nature-friendly farming), Wild Power (certification system for biodiversity investment at renewable energy sites), and small stakes in Ailuna (app for green habit forming), Impact Scope (using AI to spot greenwashing) and Steam Esco (industrial steam energy efficiency).

Eva Gergely

Éva has over 20 years of corporate finance experience, which she has gathered in various fields, at domestic and international companies: project finance, restructuring, receivables management, international fundraising, venture capital fund establishment, launch and portfolio building, and business consulting. She believes that positive social and/or environmental impact can and should be achieved at the same time as financial profit. She is motivated by scaling and everything related to agriculture, water and recycling.

Dr. Judit Anna Szabó

I gained my theoretical and practical business experience as a pharmacist trainee and later in multinational pharmaceutical companies, as well as in my self-employment, which has shaped my way of thinking, my attitude and therefore my actions too. As a specialist in wellbeing, anti-aging and eHealth, I consider it my vocation to follow, synthesise and transfer the results of health sciences in a way that is understandable to the public on a variety of platforms.

I believe that with acquired knowledge and with our individual will, we can change our habits in relation to our health, our psycho-social and natural and economic environment. I believe that by taking individual responsibility, people can live a higher quality of life, fulfil their individual mission and thus create more value for themselves, their families and the society.

Gábor Gyura

Gábor Gyura is the founder of the Hungarian Sustainable Investment Forum, which aims to promote sustainable investments in Hungary. He is the managing director of Aquincum Sustainable Finance Nonprofit Ltd. and an assistant professor at the Florence School of Banking and Finance. As a consultant, he supports the ESG efforts of asset managers, banks, and insurers both in Hungary and internationally, including through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Finance Initiative. Earlier in his career, he was the founding head of the Sustainable Finance Department at the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB).

Honorary members

Nikolaus Spieckermann-Hutter

Nikolaus Hutter is the Founder of New Paradigm Ventures, an advisory firm focused
on accelerating the shift to an impact driven economy. With his partners Angello
advises international NGOs on impact business and investment, and works with
impact driven entrepreneurial teams. He is also is a Director for impact investment
firm Susterra Capital and serves on the Board of Heifer International in the US. He is
also a Board member of the Hungarian Impact Investors Association and a co-founder
of the Hellenic Impact Investing Network.
Together with partners, he set-up the first accelerator program for social innovators,
and initiated the leading annual gathering for impact investors and social innovators
in CEE.
Prior, he led the impact investor network Toniic in Europe, served as VP Operations in
a water company and worked in the VC industry for over a decade.

dr. Barbara Ming

Gergely Iváncsics

Gergő Iváncsics has been involved in setting up and founding Hungary’s first social impact
fund (Impact Ventures) since 2015, and is passionately growing the fund’s portfolio of
European early stage social ventures since its launch in 2018.

From deal sourcing to portfolio management, he’s responsible for the investment process and
impact management. Gergő builds on his experience as investment analyst at PBG FMC
venture capital fund and M&A analyst at Viennese i5invest. His passion is for technology
enabled social innovation, and is restlessly searching for the next tech break-through that
benefits the life of those in need.

Gergő studied Business Development MA at Corvinus University of Budapest and is a CEMS
Master in International Management graduate, having studied in Copenhagen Business
School. He is also faithful to his helping-vocation, having also graduated in psychology at the
University of Szeged.

Ananda Ventures

Ananda Impact Ventures is one of the leading impact investors in Europe. Ananda invests in
companies that address social challenges in vital areas such as education, health,
consumption, and ageing population.

“We – the team of Ananda Ventures – believe in the power of market-based, sustainable and
scalable models with positive impact at the core. We share the enthusiasm of our founders to
build solutions that truly matter. To fuel their missions, we created a space for them to thrive,
based on the knowhow, network, capital and experiences of our team, investors and experts.

Ananda manages 80 Mn. EUR and is proud to partner with some of the leading investors across
Europe – from entrepreneurs and families to traditional VCs.

Gabriella Szabadhegÿ

Szabadhegy Gabriella 2017 és 2020 között ügyvezető titkára a Társadalmi Hasznosságú Befektetők Egyesületének. Jelenleg a Magyar Máltai Lovagok Szövetségének kancellárja és a Márton András Deák Alapítvány kuratóriumának tagja, aminek célja a Kárpátmedencében élő pedagógusok, egészségügyi és szociális területen dolgozók; valamint felsőfokú tanulmányokat végzők ösztöndíj rendszerű támogatása.



The Association was established in order to fulfil the below objectives

  • To underpin the fact that when making a decision on an investment, the Hungarian, as well as the Central and Eastern European investors should consider the social and environmental impact of the investment on an equal scale or as part of the result.

  • To bring together a circle of investors, whose aim is to apply a positive social or environmental impact with its operation, alongside the financial return.

  • To facilitate the creation of an advisory and service orientated infrastructure, essential for the operation of this type of investor segment.

  • To promote in Hungary and in Central and Eastern Europe the business approach created and accepted by the members of the Association, whereby the social and environmental utility is prioritised.

  • Communication, contact with other local and foreign organisations, established for the same or very similar reasons.

  • The enlivening of the ecosystem of the social impact investors and social entrepreneurs.

  • To establish, develop a „Knowledge Centre”, available for the members of the Association.

  • To represent values set by the members before the various regulatory and cooperating organisations and bodies.

  • To provide a regular intellectual and professional forum, whereby members and guests can exchange ideas, thoughts and can network.

In order to achieve its goals, the Association pursues the below activities

  • Represents the interests of its members and those investors who are committed to a business approach based on prioritising social impact.

  • Regularly organises professional forums for its members and for those investors who are committed to a business approach based on prioritising social impact.

  • Publishes its own newsletter and operates Facebook and LinkedIn sites.

  • Runs a website (

  • Builds and maintains a network for its members and for those investors who are committed to a business approach based on prioritising social impact.

  • Collects its financial sources in order to achieve its goals.

  • Formulates and continuously develops the measurement of social and environmental impact, taking the already existing International evaluation method as a base, but at the same time taking into consideration our own, local environment.


Ordinary Member

  • An ordinary member of the Association may be a natural person, organisation without a legal entity, who agrees with the objectives of the Association, conducts its investment activities in accordance with the Association’s mind set, prioritising social impact in their business approach, whilst also conducting its investment activities in line with the Code of Ethics of the Social Impact Investors’ Association, as well as to achieve the goals of the Association. Furthermore, the ordinary member wishes to actively participate in the life of the Association and also accepts the arrangements found in the charter and in the Code of Ethics of the Association as mandatory.

  • Has the right to vote at the General Assembly

  • Has the right to publish on the website of the Association introductory and other press material in line with the subjects, topics represented by the Association

  • May add announcement in the Newsletter published on a quarterly level

  • Receives exclusive participation in the Investors’ Breakfasts, which gives an opportunity for informal meetings between ordinary members and exclusive guests

  • Has exclusive right to participate in our professional events (workshops, conferences)

  • Obligation to pay a membership fee: Private Individual HUF 100.000/year, Institution HUF 420.000/year

Supporting Member

  • Supporting member of the Association may be a natural person, legal person, organisation without a legal entity, who with its business activity supports those investments that are in line with the goals of the Association, who offers supporting services to these investments, and whose core activity corresponds with the Association’s activity, whilst also providing this service in line with the Code of Ethics of the Social Impact Investors’ Association and also accepting the arrangements found in the charter and in the Code of Ethics of the Association as mandatory. Supporting member may be in a platinum, gold, silver and bronz degree.

Platinum member

  • May participate in the General Assembly, but has no right to vote

  • Has the right to publish on the website of the Association introductory and other press material in line with the subjects, topics represented by the Association

  • May add announcement in the Newsletter published on a quarterly level

  • Has the right to publish material on the Association’s social media platforms (Fb and LinkedIn) at any given time

  • Has exclusive right to participate in our professional events (workshops, webinars, conferences)

  • Obligation to pay a membership fee: Institution HUF 1.000.000/year

Gold member

  • May participate in the General Assembly, but has no right to vote

  • Has the right to publish on the website of the Association introductory and other press material in line with the subjects, topics represented by the Association

  • May add announcement in the Newsletter published on a quarterly level

  • Has exclusive right to participate in our professional events (workshops, conferences)

  • Obligation to pay a membership fee: Private Individual HUF 200.000/year, Institution HUF 420.000/year

Silver member

  • May participate in the General Assembly, but has no right to vote

  • Has the right to publish on the website of the Association introductory material

  • Has right to participate in our professional events (workshops, conferences)

  • Obligation to pay a membership fee: Private Individual HUF 100.000/year, Institution HUF 300.000/year

Bronz member

  • May participate in the General Assembly, but has no right to vote

  • Is mentioned on the website of the Association on an enumeration level

  • Has right to participate in our professional events (workshops, conferences)

  • Obligation to pay a membership fee: Private Individual HUF 60.000/year, Institution HUF 180.000/year

Honorary Member

We offer this membership on an invitation basis to those who contributes to the work of the Association as a volunteer.


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